Microsporidial keratopathy in two dogs
Scurrell E, Manning S, Malho P, et al. Vet Ophthalmol. November 2019. doi:10.1111/vop.12726. PMID: 31758652

(症例2の前眼部写真。Figure 5より引用)
A microsporidial keratopathy is described in two dogs. Both dogs presented with a unilateral stromal keratopathy characterized by multifocal coalescing opacities, and the diagnosis was made on histopathologic examination of keratectomy specimens. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded corneal tissue was performed in one dog, and the morphologic features were consistent with Nosema species infection. Both dogs were initially diagnosed and treated by superficial keratectomy. One dog received additional antifungal medication and underwent a penetrating keratoplasty following local recurrence two years later. No other systemic lesions attributable to the microsporidial infection were identified clinically. The clinical and diagnostic pathology findings, treatment, and follow-up are discussed.